Friday 21 March 2008

Happy Easter

Hi everyone,

it is Good Friday, and so i wanted to just drop by and wish you and your families a lovely weekend together, stay safe.

My sister is coming down today, and then we are having lunch here with my brother and his family on Sunday. I think I will cook a roast , yummo.

My week started off very slow, as I was feeling ill. Now I am not one to blab on about every headache i have or every time I have a sniffle (blogs like that bore me, there is much worse things going on to worry about), but I think this warrents a mention, 1/. because i rarely get sick 2/.maybe I will get some sympathy comments (kidding, i don't want any). All day Monday I felt nauseous and had indegestion. Now this indegestion was relentless, it was constantly there. I also felt very washed out. Tuesday was marginally better, but I was still not 100%. I went to the doc at work on Wednesday and I am happy to report I am NOT pregnant, LOL... He thought I had reflux, and maybe an ulcer, gave me some tablets to take for 2 weeks (which help reduce the acid in my stomach) and said if it didn't clear up, then I might need a gastroscopy, a whopping big tube with a camera, that they stick down your mouth to have a look, eeew). Needless to say I do feel better. Thanks for asking.

In other news, unbelievably Emmy has banged her other eye (I promise i had no part in it, Harry on the other hand may have), I am not sure what happend, as i was in the kitchen. Harry was making a cave out of blankets and pillows over the couch, and she was in there. Necxt minute there was tears, screaming etc. I think she must have fallen onto a plastic toy crate, which was upside down and has ridges on the corners. It didn't really warrent a pic, as it is a little cute, less than a centimeter long. It has however bruised up (not much) over the past few days. lumsy little angel, she is.

I made another banana cake through the week, and used my new tupperware sifter, soo good. The cake was a bit heavy as i had about 2 and half bananas, instead of 2, ah well, i still ate it.

Here is the card I did for the Stitches Craft show demo, I am also using it for a swap I am in. I like it, except for the brad which was an after thought and a bad one I regret, hence the demo card and the swaps I do will have NO brad. i am also off to Paperific next Saturday, we are doing make and takes, so pop along and make a free card. I must also say I HAVE THE NEW STAMPIN' UP! CATALOGUE in my hot little hands. It is so pretty. If anyone would like one, they are $12.95. I will sell them for this and post for free. Or if you have a workshop, or have an order of $100.00 or more from the retired list/old catty then I will give you a FREE copy of the 2008/2009 version. Remeber there is not long to get orders in for the retired stamps, 30th March. My wish list is not too bad for the new catalogue, I was very restrained I though. My must haves is only about $200.00. So I am a good girl, aren't I??

Ok must go clean or do something productive. Actually my scrap desk is a nightmare again, so perhaps I will attack that.

Stay tuned for new ENJO specials too, over at The autumn specials are about to be released. And I hear they are great.

Take car and I will be back soon.

Love and kisses, Kaz

1 comment:

Anna said...

What's with the brad?? Only joking!! I thought you were going to write that you are pregnant!!! Bummer!!!
Seriously, hope you're feeling better.
Will meet up for a morning tea in a couple of weeks. Love the layouts pics you've got on your blog here.