Thursday 27 March 2008

The good, the bad and the ugly...

Well there is no ugly really, well maybe my head, LOL.

The good is the challenge is OVER, and the official stats are ......

WAIT for it.... I have lost cm and kgs, yes it is true, I have lost 4kg (well 3.7, but lets round it up), and a mega total of 23 cm. WOW, I was shocked. As I have still indulged in our weekley pizza, and eaten normal dinners, but have had less snacks and maccas. Not 1 packet of chips has past my lips in 6 weeks. It has nearly killed me. But I knew I was doing the challenge, so I made better choices more often, and as you can see from the pic, the results are fab!! (ROFLMAO)

The bad news is, my poor boy is still sick, and last night he had a temp of 40.3, impressive in my books. Yep thats right, this paediatric nurse doesn't consider a kid has a temp til it hits 39 (ok maybe 38.5), so I have had 2 days off work, and got a chance to finally finish off his party invites today. So a bonus. Also started to watch a certain banned tv series (my lips are sealed). OK, gotta get to the gym



Annie said...

Congrats on the impressive stats! And I have to say, you are HOT!

Katie Toland said...

Are you HOT or what!! LOL. Well done on the loss. I need a bit of your will power!

Love that card in the last post!

Sarah said...

Hey Kaz,

OH wow you look amazing.. LOL...Seriously well done on your weight loss, that is great news,..

I hope Harry has turned the corner.. Nothing worse and worrying more than when they are sick....

Take care