Sunday 3 February 2008

Let the dance begin...

Well tonight's the night. So you think you can dance begins. Along with a few other shows, I will have to have the recorder set. I am sure i will not get through the show uninteruppted, .

I am happy to say I have made my first SU card, see attatched pic (I have used my stamps before on cards, but this is all SU.
I have used Green galore and petite pink card and ink, with the looks like spring stamp set. The Love You sentiment is from the Loving Hearts stamp set. I love the looks like spring set because not only does it have flowers and a friends sentiment, but it also has the background stamps, 1 of which did the criss cross on the card. I desperately need the corner rounder so I can do awesome scallops, as mine are hand cut, and as you can see, completely crap! If you do stamp, and have not seen the stampin scrub, I can tell you it is a must have. It cleans your stamps back to new. No getting out baby wipes, or saoking in a sink of soay water. Just spary the mist on the mat and give the stamp and rub, and then on the other side to dry, and done!Please drop me a line if you are interested in seeing any of the Stampin' UP! products. I would be happy to forward the delish catalogue or pop over and we could have a play.

In some distressing news, I am worried Harry is the next serial killer after seeing him bash the crap out of a poor slug. This is not the first time. Can someone reassure me this is "normal" 4 year old boy behaviour?? I told him why was he so mean, that it was an animal, and he said no it wasn't. I said yes it is, it is a living creature. He then went on to say I am very sorry for hurting it, I didn't know it was a living creature.
I would also be interested to know who else is totally OVER having men in the house when it comes to the toilet. I am proud to say Hary has been fully toilet trained since just before his 3rd birthday (a year now), but like a typical male he seems to have trouble pissing in the toilet. I feel it is because it starts before he has had a chance to "unwind" it , IYKWIM. It is all a bit squashed in those jox, and well you get the picture. But the bathroom almost permanently smells like a mens urinal, eeeew. Any suggestions. I know I have already suggested he wee outside.
On a funnier note, my DH reads this from the paper this morning ..."Drink shock for women, big wine glasses are being blamed for millions of women drinking much more alcohol than they realsie" Herald SUN, pg 17) I laughed and said , "Oh I realise". LOL
See attatched pic, of my new big glass, which fits 500 ml of wine in it. I comfortably fill it to about 200 mls. The glass towers over my oold ones, the pic doesn't truly show how much.

OK off to make my second card and hopefully get a LO done.

Cheers my loves.


Leia Martin said...

I love the bit about the wine glasses, as i to suffer from big-wine-glass drinking. As for harry and the slug, think it worked itself out and he's just a boy doing boy things, just like when older boys shot birds with slug-guns, like jon, my brother and lots of others, there all harmless as adults. Maybe as he is such a bright kid, some books on slugs and bugs etc could be interesting to him.
Can't help but take note of the great little 'still-life' set-up for your wine glass photo. Very pro!

Annie said...

Just be thankful that you have a delicate little girl next. My two boys ensure that I have to clean in and AROUND the toilet on a daily basis. It's disgusting.
Now, you KNOW I'm going to order up big on the SU... have booked up an extra night shift already.

Annie said...

oooooh, forgot to say the card is awesome, and that we need to debrief about "Dance".

kazy2004 said...

Thanks for the comments guys, what a relief. Glad you like my photos Leia, I used my velvet drape that I use for ENJO demos. Didn't know it was a "still-life" pic, hehe.

As for dance, it was good, and I will excited once they get the top 20, ow I was crying my eyes out when that chick told her life story.