Friday, 8 August 2008

Dancing up a storm

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Oh I just love the US version of Dance. Not to knock us Aussies, but The US version is just so polished and hot. The dancers are soo good. I love Mia Michaels and I adore Mary Murphy, even her screams. The first night I had goose bumps with one of the dances, and tonight again teary and hair raising. Pity I am a spoil sport and I already know who wins. But it doesn't ruin it, because I don't know anything about the lead up, so I will still be glued.
Ok just wanted to pop in and say HI, a full weekend with an SU workshop tomorrow, and an ENJO demo on are some cute pics of the kids I took at work today, for our annual quality report (they needed some pics of kids, so I offerd my supermodels, hehe).
Enjoy your weekend
Love Kaz
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1 comment:

Annie said...

You are SOOOO naughty... You said you weren't going to look to see who wins. Even if I offer you money, do NOT, under any circumstances, tell me who wins. And I will ask.
