Thursday 28 June 2007


Ummmmm. well i have a confession. I sort of forgot my vow not to buy any clothes. As you know i said i needed pants and shirt for work (no my boobs DO NOT fit into my old work shirts, I look forward to getting them back to myself!) So I walked thru MYER after getting portrait place pictures of the kids and saw some bargainf flat boots (I had also been wondering what footwear i would wear), and this to die for knit, which i had been coveting, but had not seen anywhere, except on other shoppers. I just bought the boots without a second thought, and they scanned for $10 less than the already bargain price bonus. I had considered the knit was too expensive, but my love of the item got the better of me. Believe it or not, when I am trying to be good, and save money I can usually say no you don't need it, but ocasionally when i just lurve an item, i CANNOT help myself. I also got H a pair of blunies (he did only have 1 pair of shoes that fit him, and these ones only cost $16, another bargain), and as i was wondering thru Target, they had this soo cute little poncho/jumper thingy which will look gorg on Emmy, and again, i completely forgot my vow. But it was %40 off, and I love to shop ahead of seasons, this was a size 2. I rarely buy the kids clothes full priced. So I jusify it that way. Oh and i got H a pair of PJs with skull and cross bones, as he loves pirates and hates his other pjs with monsters , cause "they're too scarey" god love him, the pjs were only $10, another bargain.

sorry about all the posts, but i felt each topic was worthy of its own entry.

love kaz

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