Wednesday 15 August 2007


not much going on here in Mordi. But i want to stay close to the people, LOL.
I am loving work. Getting right into it. Got called to creche today, talking of nothing happening. Emmerson had a temperature. Not surprising considering Harry was sick the last couple of days, febrile, and miserable complaining of a headache. So I took him to the docs, with his history of recent ear infections. Sure enough he has ear and throat infection with bronchitis and mild asthma. I sat there amazed, wondering where one illness started and the other began. He has had 4 doses of antis now and seems fine, bugger, he slept all morning and some of arvo yesterday, so peaceful. LOL. Anyway I picked E up and she came back to work with me til Mark picked her up. She has seemed fine since.

OMG OMG OMG, So you think you can dance is coming back, August 30th, I can hardly contain myself. I soo loved the series last time. Most may know I am a closet singer and dancer. Doing gymnastics and calasthentics in my prime, yea ok that might have been 20 years ago, don't rub it in. I am also happy idol is back, because I also love it. Love any singing / dancing show. Have a big weekend, my nephews 2nd birthday, and then my friends kids 1st birthday. I thinnk Mark is also taking Harry to his first ever AFL game, good luck with that one yata! My sister and I have also decided to have a scrap weekend away, the 2 of us, to Daylesford (Emmy will come of course), but I am really looking forward to it now.
This is my latest LO, sweet little darling.

Ok off to do bits and pieces.
Love xx

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