Wednesday 24 January 2007

OK, where were we.....?

As many of you know I am married to Mark and have two beautiful children, Harry nearly 3, and Emmerson 5 months. We live in Mordialloc In Melbourne, Victoria Australia. We have a beautifully renovated 4 bedroom home. Mark is a builder and I am a nurse.

I have 1 sister, 2 brothers and 2 nephews and 1 neice. Mum and Dad live in Cohuna, where I grew up.

Someone sent me an update of the year they had in their christmas card , so I thought to get my blog up to speed I might do that. So here we go...

2006 in a nut shell

DECEMBER - finally went to the Kylie concert and had a lovely christmas in Werribee at my brothers.

NOVEMBER - Commenced my ENJO business.

OCTOBER - I had my gallbladder removed, and then I turned 37 (really). I also enjoyed the Dixie Chicks concert

SEPTEMBER - Getting some sleep and have a bigger family now.

AUGUST - our precious little girl Emmerson Grace was born weighing in at 8 pound and 14 ounces, and she was 2 weeks early.

JULY - Mark went to Coldplay concert and the Wolfmother concert.

JUNE - I went away on a scrapbooking retreat, my 1st kid free getaway.

MAY - Mark completed the race against Puffing Billy, it was bloody freezing.

APRIL - Mark turned 37, and Harry turned 2. I did some fill in work as an asthma educator, which I loved.

MARCH - Mark and I went to the Athletics at the Commonwealth games

FEBRUARY - Mark doing triathalons, I continue with doing my Masters of Nursing

JANUARY - short stay in Apollo Bay with marks family which was nice (not as nice as Fiji was last month!).

well that is it. Now we are in 2007. God where the bloody hell does the time go.

mark is really enjoying and challenging himself still with Triathlons, harry is still at creche tuesdays and Wednesdays, which gives me time to catch up with chores and have time with Emmy. He is also about to re start Gymbaroo and Swimming which he loves. He has also been successful at toilet training this month. Well done H.

I am enjoying motherhood, and challenging myself with running my small ENJO business. I am due back at work in August, but don't really enjoy what I am doing. Of course another of my "ideal" jobs have come up , whilst I am on Mat Leave, it is about the 5th time this has happened.

Oh well, something will come along. i have 1 subject to do (had to throw in my thesis, just couldnt find the time to analyse my data) and I will have my Masters. I am doin that probably next term.

Okey dokey, off to bed.

night :)

love kaz
P.S here is a little pic for your amusement, many of you didn't see me pregnant with Emmerson, so here I am, all belly at 38 weeks.

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