Saturday 27 January 2007

Not much happening here today. Been trying to rain, but alas not much really. Here is a cutey pic of us. Harry has since had a real boy haircut, Really short, and we can gel it up, it looks really cool. We were in Geelong in this pic, off to the "local" for Marks grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. Wow, what an accomplishment.
Mark is mowing the lawns ATM, so perhaps I will attempt to scrap. Have to cook dinner soon, so prob won't get much done. There is always something to do.
Til later, much love

1 comment:

Leia Martin said...

love the blog kaz, very good! I am enjoying keeping up to date with you and your family, will have to show Bain. Thanks for the link, I added 'scrappit' to mine the other day.