We visited Rambo the huge merino Ram before our final leg to Port Macquarie. All trips in the car were essentially hassle free. The kids were as good as can be expected when sitting in a confined space for 6-7 hours at a time. We saw the remains of a terrible accident on the M7 and were reminded just how careful you have to be.

We are all settled now on Port, and the weather is perfect, which I am thankful for, as it rained pretty much everyday last year. The kids and I have just been for a lengthy swim whilst mark went for a massage. He is feeling a bit dodgy in the guts, so hopefully it passes before Sunday (he had issues Monday after what we thought was dodgy Subway or pizza but it seems to be hanging on).
I am just relaxing now with some trashy mags and a glass of wine. Which may not go too well with the sudafed I have had. But they are helping my snuffly nose and fuzzy head.
For those checking in for some creativity, here is a layout I did a couple of months ago.
Enjoy your weekend, take care and I will catch ya soon.
Cheers Karen xxx